Restaurant sells breast milk ice cream

.Unusual: A Baby Gaga waitress serves the breast
milk cocktail in the Icecreamists shop, Covent
When a well-stocked ice cream parlour says they
sell every flavour, there are usually limits.
But one restaurant in London is selling breast milk
ice cream which is being served to customers in a
cocktail glass.
Icecreamists, based in Covent Garden, have named
the £14 dish Baby Gaga.
Victoria Hiley, 35, from Leeds provided the first 30
fluid ounces of milk which was enough to make the
first 50 servings.
But the company are looking for more women to
provide breast milk - and are providing £15 for
every ten ounces extracted using breast pumps.
The recipe blends breast milk with Madagascan
vanilla pods and lemon zest, which is then freshly
churned into ice cream.
A costumed Baby Gaga waitress serves the ice
cream in a martini glass filled with the breast milk
ice cream mix. Liquid nitrogen is then poured into
the glass through a syringe and it is served with a
It can be served with whisky or another cocktail on
Mother-of-one Victoria said: 'I saw the advert
offering to pay women to donate breast milk on a
forum and it made me laugh.
'There were so many comments and people were
having a debate on whether it could be genuine. So
I thought I'd find out.'
Another 13 women have volunteered to donate
their breast milk.
Martini glass: Victoria Hiley, 35, has provided her
breast milk although the restaurant are looking for
more donors
Bizarre: Company founder Matt O'Connor, 44, and
the Lady Gaga waitress in the central London store
To maintain the highest standards, health checks
for the lactating women are exactly the same used
by the NHS to screen blood donors.
Ms Hiley added: 'It wasn't intrusive at all to donate
- just a simple blood test. What could be more
natural than fresh, free-range mothers milk in an
ice cream?'
Victoria works with women who have problems
breast feeding their babies.
She said she believes that if adults realise how tasty
breast milk actually is, new mothers will be more
willing to breast feed their own newborns.
'You can kid yourself that its a healthy ice cream!'
said Victoria.
Donor: Victoria Hiley, 25, provided 30 fluid ounces
- enough to make the first 50 servings
'But it is very nice it really melts in the mouth. I
teach women how to get started on breast feeding
their babies. There's very little support for women
and every little helps.
'I'm passionate about the good that breast feeding
does for babies.'
Founder Matt O'Connor, 44, is confident his new
ice cream will go down well with the paying public.
'The Baby Gaga tastes creamy and rich. No-one's
done anything interesting with ice cream in the last
hundred years,' he said.
'We've came up with a method of infusing ice-
cream with breast milk. We wanted to completely
reinvent it.
'And by using breast milk we've definitely given it a
one hundred percent makeover. Its just one of a
dozen radical new flavours we've invented. We
want to change the way people think about ice
Bizarre: A costumed Baby Gaga waitress serves the
ice cream in a martini glass filled with the breast
milk ice cream mix. Liquid nitrogen is then poured
into the glass through a syringe and it is served
with a rusk


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